Table information for 'lunar_crater_database.epn_core'


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Resource Description: Catalog of lunar impact craters, with properties, from Losiak et al, 2009 A New Lunar Impact Crater Database, 2009LPI....40.1532L. Available at

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  title={Lunar craters (demo)},
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NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
Age Age Age (Wilhelms, 1987; Wilhelms, personal communication, 2008; Wilhelms and Byrne, 2009). Note that there are discrepancies between the different sources. In most cases the most recent data has been used, see the remarks. N/A time.age
Age_class Age_class Age class (1 Pre-Nectarian, 2 Nectarian, 3 Lower Imbrian, 4 Upper Imbrian, 5 Eratosthenian, 6 Copernican) (Wilhelms, 1987; Wilhelms, personal communication, 2008; Wilhelms and Byrne, 2009) N/A meta.code.class
Age_other_sources Age_other_sources Age - other sources N/A meta.bib
Age_source Age_source Age - source (Wilhelms, 1987 table: 1, map only: 2; personal communication, 2008: PC; Wilhelms and Byrne, 2009: WandB09). Note that most of the ages from PC are incorporated in WandB09. N/A meta.bib
Apparent_depth Apparent_depth Apparent depth [km], measured at the pre-impact surface level, according to Pike (1977b). km phys.size
Apparent_diameter Apparent_diameter Apparent diameter [km], measured at the pre-impact surface level, according to Pike (1977b). km phys.size.diameter
Approval Approval Approval year or date in the official IAU-USGS database (Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature) N/A time
Basal_area_of_central_peak Basal_area_of_central_peak Basal area of central peak [km^2], calculated based on Hörz et al. (1991, table 4.1, pp. 66; Hale and Grieve (1982)). (0 means that value cannot be calculated accurately for craters smaller than 17 km and larger than 136 km in diameter.) km**2 phys.area
Basin_age_group Basin_age_group Basin age group (higher number - younger) (Wilhelms, 1987) N/A meta.code.class
bib_reference Bib_reference Bibcode preferred if available (does that include link?), doi, or other biblio id, URL N/A meta.bib
c1_resol_max C1_resol_max Resolution in the first coordinate, upper limit deg pos.resolution;stat.max
c1_resol_min C1_resol_min Resolution in the first coordinate, lower limit. deg pos.resolution;stat.min
c1max C1max Longitude on body, upper limit deg pos.bodyrc.long;stat.max
c1min C1min Longitude on body, lower limit. deg pos.bodyrc.long;stat.min
c2_resol_max C2_resol_max Resolution in the second coordinate, upper limit deg pos.resolution;stat.max
c2_resol_min C2_resol_min Resolution in the second coordinate, lower limit. deg pos.resolution;stat.min
c2max C2max Latitude on body, upper limit deg;stat.max
c2min C2min Latitude on body, lower limit. deg;stat.min
c3_resol_max C3_resol_max Resolution in the third coordinate, upper limit m pos.resolution;stat.max
c3_resol_min C3_resol_min Resolution in the third coordinate, lower limit. m pos.resolution;stat.min
c3max C3max Height over defined null, upper limit m pos.bodyrc.alt;stat.max
c3min C3min Height over defined null, lower limit. m pos.bodyrc.alt;stat.min
Citation_for_first_mention Citation_for_first_mention Citation for first mention, citation for nomenclature (see the References worksheet) from Chuck Wood database N/A meta.bib
creation_date Creation_date Date of first entry of this granule N/A time.creation
dataproduct_type Dataproduct_type The high-level organization of the data product, from enumerated list (e.g., 'im' for image, sp for spectrum) [Note et_prod] N/A meta.code.class
Depth_of_excavation_1 Depth_of_excavation_1 Depth of excavation [km] based on updated Fig. 22 (transient cavity) from Cintala and Grieve (1998). Reliable for craters larger than approx. 50 km km phys.size
Depth_of_excavation_2 Depth_of_excavation_2 Depth of excavation [km] 1/10 transient cavity diameter Stöffler et al. (2006) km phys.size
Depth_of_melting_1 Depth_of_melting_1 Depth of melting [km] based on updated Fig. 22 (transient cavity) from Cintala and Grieve (1998). Reliable for craters larger than approx. 50 km km phys.size
Depth_of_melting_2 Depth_of_melting_2 Depth of melting [km] based on Fig. 23 (transient cavity) from Cintala and Grieve (1998). Reliable for craters between approximately 1 km and 400 km. Assumes a chondritic projectile hitting an anothosite target at 20 km/s. km phys.size
Diameter Diameter Diameter of the crater km phys.size.diameter
Diameter_of_central_peak Diameter_of_central_peak Diameter of central peak [km], calculated based on Hörz et al. (1991, table 4.1, pp. 66; Hale and Head (1979)). (0 means that value cannot be calculated accurately for craters smaller than 17 km and larger than 175 km in diameter.) km phys.size.diameter
emergence_max Emergence_max Emergence angle during data acquisition, upper limit deg pos.posAng;stat.max
emergence_min Emergence_min Emergence angle during data acquisition, lower limit. deg pos.posAng;stat.min
feature_name Feature_name Secondary name (can be standard name of region of interest). N/A;pos
Floor_diameter Floor_diameter Floor diameter [km], calculated based on Hörz et al. (1991, table 4.1, pp. 66; Pike 1977). (0 means that basin is too big to be able to use the equation accurately for craters smaller than 20 and larger than 125 km in diameter.) km phys.size.diameter
granule_gid Granule_gid Common to granules of same type (e.g. same map projection, or geometry data products). Can be alphanumeric. N/A
granule_uid Granule_uid Internal table row index Unique ID in data service, also in v2. Can be alphanumeric. N/A
Height_of_central_peak Height_of_central_peak Height of central peak [km], calculated based on Hörz et al. (1991, table 4.1, pp. 66; Hale and Grieve (1982)). (0 means that value cannot be calculated accurately for craters smaller than 17 km and larger than 51 km in diameter.) km phys.size
incidence_max Incidence_max Incidence angle (solar zenithal angle) during data acquisition, upper limit deg pos.posAng;stat.max
incidence_min Incidence_min Incidence angle (solar zenithal angle) during data acquisition, lower limit. deg pos.posAng;stat.min
instrument_host_name Instrument_host_name Standard name of the observatory or spacecraft. N/A;instr.obsty
instrument_name Instrument_name Standard name of instrument N/A;instr
Interior_volume Interior_volume Interior volume [km^3], calculated based on Hörz et al. (1991, table 4.1, pp. 66; Croft 1978). (0 means that value can not be calculated accurately for craters smaller than 13 and larger than 150 km in diameter.) km**3 phys.volume
Longitude Longitude Longitude of the crater from -180 to 180 eastward deg pos.bodyrc.lon
Maximum_diameter_of_ejecta_blocks_1 Maximum_diameter_of_ejecta_blocks_1 Maximum diameter of ejecta blocks [km] - coefficient 2, calculated from Hörz et al. (1991, table 4.3, pp. 72; based on Moore (1971)). (0 means that value cannot be calculated accurately for craters smaller than 0.1 and larger than 98 km in diameter.) km phys.size.diameter
Maximum_diameter_of_ejecta_blocks_2 Maximum_diameter_of_ejecta_blocks_2 Maximum diameter of ejecta blocks [km] - coefficient 1, calculated from Hörz et al. (1991, table 4.3, pp. 72; based on Moore (1971)). (0 means that value cannot be calculated accurately for craters smaller than 0.1 and larger than 98 km in diameter.) km phys.size.diameter
Measured_height_of_central_peak Measured_height_of_central_peak Measured central peak height, from Wood 1973 (The actual central peak heights are available at: km phys.size
Measured_radius_of_radar_bright_halo Measured_radius_of_radar_bright_halo Measured radius (from the center of the crater) of radar-bright halos (at 70 cm wavelength) emplaced ballistically around craters [km], from Table 1 in Ghent et al. (2010). km phys.size.radius
Measured_radius_of_radar_dark_halo Measured_radius_of_radar_dark_halo Measured radius of radar-dark halos (at 70 cm wavelength) around craters [km], measured from the center of the crater. Taken from Table 1 in Ghent et al. (2010). km phys.size.radius
Measured_rim_to_floor_depth Measured_rim_to_floor_depth Measured rim to floor depth, mainly from Arthur (1974) with additional data from Pike (1976). When both values were available, Arthur s data was used. km phys.size
measurement_type Measurement_type UCD(s) defining the data, with multiple entries separated by hash (#) characters. N/A meta.ucd
Melt_volume Melt_volume Melt volume [km^3] calculated for chondritic projectile impacting anorthosite target at 20 km/s, based on equation 8 and Table 2 from Cintala and Grieve (1998). km**3 phys.volume
Melt_volume_45deg_on_anorthosite Melt_volume_45deg_on_anorthosite Melt volume [km^3] calculated for a 45 degree impact on an anorthositic target, using Eq. 12 and Table 1 from Abramov et al. (2012). km**3 phys.volume
Melt_volume_45deg_on_basalt Melt_volume_45deg_on_basalt Melt volume [km^3] calculated for a 45 degree impact on a basaltic target, using Eq. 12 and Table 1 from Abramov et al. (2012). km**3 phys.volume
modification_date Modification_date Date of last modification (used to handle mirroring) N/A time.update
obs_id Obs_id Associates granules derived from the same data (e.g. various representations/processing levels). Can be alphanumeric, may be the ID of original observation. N/A
OMAT_range OMAT_range The range of optical maturity parameter (OMAT) using Kaguya (SELENE) Multiband Imager (MI) data, from Supplement Table 1 in Ohtake et al. 2009. N/A arith.factor
Peak_degradation Peak_degradation Central peak degradation, 1 = freshest, 4 = most degraded. From Table 1 in Donaldson Hanna et al. 2014 (they refer to Baker et al. 2012, which was not available for the database). N/A obs
phase_max Phase_max Phase angle during data acquisition, upper limit deg pos.phaseAng;stat.max
phase_min Phase_min Phase angle during data acquisition, lower limit. deg pos.phaseAng;stat.min
processing_level Processing_level CODMAC calibration level; see the et_cal note for what values are defined here. [Note et_cal] N/A meta.code;obs.calib
Province Province Geological province: PKT = Procellarum KREEP Terrane, SPA = South Pole - Aitken (Terrane?), or highlands (Feldspathic Highlands Terrane?), from Supplement Table 1 in Ohtake et al. 2009. N/A meta
publisher Publisher A short string identifying the entity running the data service used. N/A meta.ref
Radial_distance_of_continuous_ejecta_1 Radial_distance_of_continuous_ejecta_1 Radial distance of continuous ejecta [km] from the center of the crater, calculated based on Moore et al. (1974). (0 means that value cannot be calculated accurately for craters smaller than 0.65 km or larger than 218 km in diameter.) km phys.size.radius
Radial_distance_of_continuous_ejecta_2 Radial_distance_of_continuous_ejecta_2 Radial distance of continuous ejecta [km], calculated after Hörz et al. (1991, table 4.3, pp. 72, based on Fig. 8 in Oberbeck et al. (1974)). (0 means that value cannot be calculated accurately for craters smaller than 0.56 km or larger than 1340 km in diameter.) km phys.size.radius
Radius_of_ejecta_blanket_thicker_than_10_m Radius_of_ejecta_blanket_thicker_than_10_m Radius of ejecta blanket thicker than 10 m [km], equation no 9 from Pike (1974), values for large multiring basins can be ambiguous. km phys.size.radius
Radius_of_ejecta_blanket_thicker_than_10_m_best_estimate Radius_of_ejecta_blanket_thicker_than_10_m_best_estimate Radius of ejecta of thicker than 10 m [km] (best estimate), for simple craters equation 4 from Kring (1995), for complex craters (D>15) calculated based on equation from McGetchin et al. (1973). Minimum and maximum exponents are from Kring (1995), based on McGetchin et al. (1973). Equation used for complex craters was used in the original paper to calculate ejecta thickness of large basins like Imbrium in the Apollo landing sites, other authors (Hörz et al. 1991) values for large multiring basins can be ambiguous. Pike (1974) suggested 3 other equations to calculate thickness of ejecta blankets on the Moon that vary significantly (also calculated in this database). Because the equations are not calibrated in the reliable way, it is very hard to evaluate their precision. Usually the distance of continuous ejecta is assumed to be equal to distance of 2 or 3 radii (from crater center). km phys.size.radius
Radius_of_ejecta_blanket_thicker_than_10_m_maximum Radius_of_ejecta_blanket_thicker_than_10_m_maximum Radius of ejecta of thicker than 10 m [km] (maximum estimate), for simple craters equation 4 from Kring (1995), for complex craters (D>15) calculated based on equation from McGetchin et al. (1973). Minimum and maximum exponents are from Kring (1995), based on McGetchin et al. (1973). Equation used for complex craters was used in the original paper to calculate ejecta thickness of large basins like Imbrium in the Apollo landing sites, other authors (Hörz et al. 1991) values for large multiring basins can be ambiguous. Pike (1974) suggested 3 other equations to calculate thickness of ejecta blankets on the Moon that vary significantly (also calculated in this database). Because the equations are not calibrated in the reliable way, it is very hard to evaluate their precision. Usually the distance of continuous ejecta is assumed to be equal to distance of 2 or 3 radii (from crater center). km phys.size.radius
Radius_of_ejecta_blanket_thicker_than_10_m_minimum Radius_of_ejecta_blanket_thicker_than_10_m_minimum Radius of ejecta of thicker than 10 m [km] (minimum estimate), for simple craters equation 4 from Kring (1995), for complex craters (D>15000 m) calculated based on equation from McGetchin et al. (1973). Minimum and maximum exponents are from Kring (1995), based on McGetchin et al. (1973). Equation used for complex craters was used in the original paper to calculate ejecta thickness of large basins like Imbrium in the Apollo landing sites, other authors (Hörz et al. 1991) values for large multiring basins can be ambiguous. Pike (1974) suggested 3 other equations to calculate thickness of ejecta blankets on the Moon that vary significantly (also calculated in this database). Because the equations are not calibrated in the reliable way, it is very hard to evaluate their precision. Usually the distance of continuous ejecta is assumed to be equal to distance of 2 or 3 radii (from crater center). km phys.size.radius
Radius_of_radar_bright_halo Radius_of_radar_bright_halo Radius (from the center of the crater) of radar-bright halos (at 70 cm wavelength) emplaced ballistically around craters [km], from Eq. 8 in Ghent et al. (2010). Equation based on craters approximately D=5...130 km. km phys.size.radius
Radius_of_radar_dark_halo Radius_of_radar_dark_halo Radius of radar-dark halos (at 70 cm wavelength) around craters [km], measured from the center of the crater. Based on data from Table 1 in Ghent et al. (2010), excluding Sinus Iridum and Orientale (too few data points in such large diameters). Thus, the craters range D=5.6…191 km. The equation is derived by plotting the data and fitting a power function in Excel. km phys.size.radius
Rays Rays Are ejecta rays observable in visual imagery or not. Combined from a number of sources, verified and appended by T. Öhman. Original sources: Elger 1895; Grier et al. 2001; McEwen et al. 1997; Morota and Furumoto 2003; C. Wood s Moon Wiki ( N/A meta.code.class
release_date Release_date Start of public access period N/A time.release
Remarks Remarks Remarks (Wilhelms, 1987; Wilhelms, personal communication, 2008; Wilhelms and Byrne, 2009); Also included are the unapproved names and the former names of recently renamed craters, as well as if the crater is a small crater in Apollo or Lunokhod-1 landing sites. N/A meta.note
Rim_flank_width Rim_flank_width Rim flank width [km], calculated based on Hörz et al. (1991, table 4.1, pp. 66; Pike 1977). (0 means that basin is too big to be able to use the equation efficiently.) km phys.size
Rim_height Rim_height Rim height [km], calculated based on Hörz et al. (1991, table 4.1, pp. 66; Pike 1977a). (0 means that basin is too big to be able to use the equation accurately for craters smaller than 15 km and larger than 375 km in diameter.) km phys.size
Rim_to_floor_depth Rim_to_floor_depth Rim to floor depth [km], calculated based on Pike 1977a. (0 means that basin is too big to be able to use the equation accurately for craters smaller than 15 km and larger than 275 km in diameter.) km phys.size
s_region S_region ObsCore-like footprint, valid for celestial, spherical, or body-fixed frames. N/A phys.outline;obs.field
service_title Service_title Title of resource (an acronym really, will be used to handle multiservice results) N/A meta.title
spatial_frame_type Spatial_frame_type Flavor of coordinate system, defines the nature of coordinates. From enumerated list N/A meta.code.class;pos.frame
spectral_range_max Spectral_range_max Spectral range (frequency), upper limit Hz em.freq;stat.max
spectral_range_min Spectral_range_min Spectral range (frequency), lower limit. Hz em.freq;stat.min
spectral_resolution_max Spectral_resolution_max Sectral resolution, upper limit Hz spect.resolution;stat.max
spectral_resolution_min Spectral_resolution_min Sectral resolution, lower limit. Hz spect.resolution;stat.min
spectral_sampling_step_max Spectral_sampling_step_max spectral sampling step, upper limit Hz em.freq.step;stat.max
spectral_sampling_step_min Spectral_sampling_step_min spectral sampling step, lower limit. Hz em.freq.step;stat.min
target_class Target_class Type of target, from enumerated list N/A meta.code.class;src
target_name Target_name Standard IAU name of target (from a list related to target class), case sensitive N/A;src
Tcd_high Transient_cavity_diameter_simple Transient cavity diameter [km], for simple craters (smaller than 15 km) equation Dtc=0.84D from Melosh (1989, p. 129) is applied, for complex craters larger than 15 km equation 9 from Croft (1985) is applied. km phys.size.diameter
Tcd_low Transient_cavity_diameter_complex Transient cavity diameter [km] for complex craters. Equation 5 from Kring (1995) is applied with the assumption that transient cavity radius of complex and simple craters are the same. (0 means that value can not be calculated for simple craters, i.e. smaller than 15 km in diameter.) km phys.size.diameter
Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_equal_to_five_radii Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_equal_to_five_radii Thickness of ejecta in the distance equal to five radii [m], for simple craters equation 4 from Kring (1995), for complex craters (D>15000 m) calculated based on equation from McGetchin et al. (1973). Equation used for complex craters was used in the original paper to calculate ejecta thickness of large basins like Imbrium in the Apollo landing sites, other authors (Hörz et al. 1991) suggest that values for large multiring basins can be ambiguous. Pike (1974) suggested 3 other equation to calculate thickness of ejecta blankets on the Moon that vary significantly (also calculated in this database). Because the equations are not calibrated in the reliable way, it is very hard to evaluate their precision. Usually the distance of continuous ejecta is assumed to be equal to distance of 2 or 3 radii (from crater center). m phys.size
Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_equal_to_four_radii Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_equal_to_four_radii Thickness of ejecta in the distance equal to four radii [m], for simple craters equation 4 from Kring (1995), for complex craters (D>15000 m) calculated based on equation from McGetchin et al. (1973). Equation used for complex craters was used in the original paper to calculate ejecta thickness of large basins like Imbrium in the Apollo landing sites, other authors (Hörz et al. 1991) suggest that values for large multiring basins can be ambiguous. Pike (1974) suggested 3 other equation to calculate thickness of ejecta blankets on the Moon that vary significantly (also calculated in this database). Because the equations are not calibrated in the reliable way, it is very hard to evaluate their precision. Usually the distance of continuous ejecta is assumed to be equal to distance of 2 or 3 radii (from crater center). m phys.size
Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_equal_to_one_radius Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_equal_to_one_radius Thickness of ejecta in the distance equal to one radius [m] - ejecta on the rim, for simple craters equation 4 from Kring (1995), for complex craters (D>15000 m) calculated based on equation from McGetchin et al. (1973). Equation used for complex craters was used in the original paper to calculate ejecta thickness of large basins like Imbrium in the Apollo landing sites, other authors (Hörz et al. 1991) suggest that values for large multiring basins can be ambiguous. Pike (1974) suggested 3 other equation to calculate thickness of ejecta blankets on the Moon that vary significantly (also calculated in this database). Because the equations are not calibrated in the reliable way, it is very hard to evaluate their precision. Usually the distance of continuous ejecta is assumed to be equal to distance of 2 or 3 radii (from crater center). m phys.size
Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_equal_to_three_radii Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_equal_to_three_radii Thickness of ejecta in the distance equal to three radii [m], for simple craters equation 4 from Kring (1995), for complex craters (D>15000 m) calculated based on equation from McGetchin et al. (1973). Equation used for complex craters was used in the original paper to calculate ejecta thickness of large basins like Imbrium in the Apollo landing sites, other authors (Hörz et al. 1991) suggest that values for large multiring basins can be ambiguous. Pike (1974) suggested 3 other equation to calculate thickness of ejecta blankets on the Moon that vary significantly (also calculated in this database). Because the equations are not calibrated in the reliable way, it is very hard to evaluate their precision. Usually the distance of continuous ejecta is assumed to be equal to distance of 2 or 3 radii (from crater center). m phys.size
Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_equal_to_two_radii Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_equal_to_two_radii Thickness of ejecta in the distance equal to two radii [m], for simple craters equation 4 from Kring (1995), for complex craters (D>15000 m) calculated based on equation from McGetchin et al. (1973). Equation used for complex craters was used in the original paper to calculate ejecta thickness of large basins like Imbrium in the Apollo landing sites, other authors (Hörz et al. 1991) suggest that values for large multiring basins can be ambiguous. Pike (1974) suggested 3 other equation to calculate thickness of ejecta blankets on the Moon that vary significantly (also calculated in this database). Because the equations are not calibrated in the reliable way, it is very hard to evaluate their precision. Usually the distance of continuous ejecta is assumed to be equal to distance of 2 or 3 radii (from crater center). m phys.size
Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_of_10km_outside_the_rim_1 Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_of_10km_outside_the_rim_1 Thickness of ejecta in the distance of 10,000 m outside the rim [m], for simple craters equation 4 from Kring (1995), for complex craters (D>15000 m) calculated based on equation from McGetchin al. (1973). Equation used for complex craters was used in the original paper to calculate ejecta thickness of large basins like Imbrium in the Apollo landing sites, other authors (Hörz et al. 1991) suggest that values for large multiring basins can be ambiguous. Pike (1974) suggested 3 other equation to calculate thickness of ejecta blankets on the Moon that vary significantly (also calculated in this database). Because the equations are not calibrated in the reliable way, it is very hard to evaluate their precision. Usually the distance of continuous ejecta is assumed to be equal to distance of 2 or 3 radii (from crater center). m phys.size
Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_of_10km_outside_the_rim_2 Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_of_10km_outside_the_rim_2 Thickness of ejecta in the distance of 10,000 m outside the rim [m], calculated based on equation no 9 from Pike (1974), values for large multiring basins can be ambiguous. m phys.size
Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_of_10km_outside_the_rim_3 Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_of_10km_outside_the_rim_3 Thickness of ejecta in the distance of 10,000 m outside the rim [m], calculated based on equation no 10 from Pike (1974), values for large multiring basins can be ambiguous. m phys.size
Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_of_10km_outside_the_rim_4 Thickness_of_ejecta_in_the_distance_of_10km_outside_the_rim_4 Thickness of ejecta in the distance of 10,000 m outside the rim [m], calculated based on equation no 12 from Pike (1974), values for large multiring basins can be ambiguous. m phys.size.radius
time_exp_max Time_exp_max Integration time of the measurement, upper limit s time.duration;obs.exposure;stat.max
time_exp_min Time_exp_min Integration time of the measurement, lower limit. s time.duration;obs.exposure;stat.min
time_max Time_max Acquisition stop time (in JD) d time.end
time_min Time_min Acquisition start time (in JD) d time.start
time_sampling_step_max Time_sampling_step_max Sampling time for measurements of dynamical phenomena, upper limit s time.interval;stat.max
time_sampling_step_min Time_sampling_step_min Sampling time for measurements of dynamical phenomena, lower limit. s time.interval;stat.min
Transient_cavity_depth Transient_cavity_depth Transient cavity depth [km] equal to 1/3 of transient cavity diameter Stöffler et al. (2006). km phys.size

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